Registration is now open!. If your swimmer has not been on Junior Waves or Swim Team in the past they must try out before registering them for the team.
New Swimmer Tryouts
New Swimmer Tryouts will be held on Sunday, May 18th at the Western Springs pool. Please sign up for a time to try out.
Practice Schedule
Practice Schedule
8-8:55 am 8 & Under
9-9:55 am 9/10
10-10:45 am Junior Waves
11-11:55 am 11/12 and 13/14
Practices are held Monday through Friday.
There will be practice after school on June 4th and June 5th. 8 and under will practice from 4 to 4:45 pm and 9/10 will practice from 4:45 to 5:30 pm.
The regular practice schedule will begin on June 9th.
2025 Meet Schedule
June 10th Hinsdale @Western Springs June 17th Lisle @ Western Springs
June 19th Western Springs @ Wheaton June 21st WS@ Downers Grove
June 24th Wheaton @ Western Springs June 26th Western Springs @ Lisle
July 1st Western Springs @ Hinsdale July 8th Downers Grove @ WS
July 12th Conference Championship Meet @ Downers Grove
July 19th B Conference Championship Meet @ Western Springs
2025 Swim Team Information
Do not sign your child up for the team if they have never attended tryouts in the past.
This year our swim team will be going back into our conference. We will be competing against Hinsdale Pool, Downers Grove, Lisle and Wheaton. At the end of the season we will take part in the conference meet that includes these teams. Once we have the dates and the meet schedule we will get it posted.
Team Try Outs - Your child must try out before registering for the team.
If your child is 10 and under and they have never participated in the WSSC Swim Team program they will need to try out for our team. Returning swimmers will not need to participate in tryouts this includes those that participated in Junior Waves. Our 8 & Under swimmers must be comfortable swimming one (1) length of the pool. We will ask them to swim two (2) different strokes, freestyle, and backstroke. Our 9-10 swimmers must be comfortable swimming a full lap (there and back). They will swim three (3) strokes at tryouts. Freestyle, backstroke, and a stroke of their choice. Please keep in mind that while the coaches are looking at your child's stroke that is not the only determining factor for making the team. Our coaches are very well trained and know that many of our swimmers have not been in the water over the winter. They are also looking for swimmers that have the potential to grow over the summer season. The tryouts will be held at the Western Springs pool. A sign-up genius will be posted on our website at a later date. In order to tryout, you must sign-up for a specific time through sign-up genius. If your child tried out for the team in the past but did not participate they must try out again.
Junior Waves
This team was created to introduce swimmers that are not quite ready for the competition team to the sport of swimming. At this level, swimmers will focus on improving the four competitive strokes as well as learning the correct starts and turns used in a swim meet. At the end of the season, the swimmers will participate in an inter-squad meet to show what they learned over the season. The Developmental Team is a stepping-stone to the Waves Swim Team for many swimmers. Swimmers do not try out for this team specifically. Parents cannot sign them up for Junior Waves without first being assessed. The coaches evaluate each swimmer at tryouts and will place a swimmer on Junior Waves if they feel they will benefit from more instruction. What the coaches determine, is the final outcome.
If your child was on Junior Waves last year you may sign them up when team registration opens. If your child is a new swimmer to the team they must tryout for the team and Junior Waves.
Important: You must be a member of the Western Springs Service Club to be able to join the Waves Swim Team.
Sign up for Remind 101
What is Remind 101?
Remind is a system that will safely send out quick information blasts to a whole group, this can include parents or a swimmer with a smartphone. This will be utilized to inform patrons of weather delays, volunteer signup or anything else the coaches see fit.
Text @swimwaves to 81010, you should receive a confirmation text saying you have been added to the group, downloading the app is not necessary.
Our Goals as a Program!
Teach basic techniques
Teach team committment
Teach team spirit
Prepare swimmers for competition
Help swimmers achieve individual goals
Please understand that swim team is NOT a lesson program. New swimmers will be evaluated during our try outs by our coaching staff. If we feel your child is not ready for our competitive swim team they will become eligible for our Junior Waves program or recommended to our swim lessons.
We need your help!
There are many opportunities to volunteer to help run the WSSC Swim Team. The coaches truly appreciate the support of the parents on our team and this allows our coaches to do what they do best...coach your children.
Volunteer Information
How to Sign Up to Volunteer
Parents must volunteer a minimum of 3 shifts during the regular season for their child to qualify for conference.
These shifts can be done by working at meets, Fun Fridays, at the pizza party to name a few.
We are looking for individuals to chair committees and individuals to help out on the committees.
All committee chairs will be given instructions on how to run the particular committee and a budget.
Sign Up Genius for volunteer opportunities.
Meet Information
Practice and home meets are held at the WSSC Pool at 1300 Hillgrove. Addresses for away meets will be posted once the meets have been determined.
Be sure to check the schedule each week.
Arrival times for Meets:Tuesday and Thursday Away Meets: 5:45 p.m. with warmups at 6, Meet starts at 6:30. Tuesday and Thursday Home Meets: 5:30 p.m. with warmups at 5:30, meet starts at 6:30. Saturday Meets: Begin at 9 a.m. we ask thatall swimmers be there for warmups by 8:15.
As alway, we encourage friends and family to come cheer on the Waves swimmers at their meets!
Contact the coaching staff with any questions.
info@westernspringspool.com | 1300 Hillgrove Ave, Western Springs, IL 60558 | Open Mon. - Sun. 10 am to 9 pm